2018年11月9日 星期五

9 Month & 10 Month Development

Ever since my maid Kit left on Oct 3, we started sending our son to the nursery, with the help of my aunt. The first day was fine. He didn't cry much, The second day, he burst into tears when we entered the building. Same thing happen on the 3rd day. Then things seemed to improve. Interestingly, on the first day of school, his teacher said he was very clever because he waved his hand to show that he didn't want any more of the congee, and he ate very well. He would put up his hands to indicate that he wanted a hug...

After 3 weeks at school, he got sick. It started with a cold, coupled with the pain of 4 teeth coming out. He has diarrhea on and off, and 中耳炎. It should be luck because he had a high fever during the weekend and we brought him to a private clinic, otherwise, I don't think it would have been diagnosed in time if I just brought him to KW.

Because of his diarrhea, he had to switch to lactose-free formula, and kept veggies off from congee. We tried putting him back on Illuma, after his diarrhea has improved, but it then he has diarrhea again...

It's been 2 weeks then... and seems like he is getting thinner... and no advancement in his skills.

In fact, starting from 9 months, his crawling has improved a great deal, and he enjoys crawling even more than trying to walk. He moves quickly, and very energetic.

His habits have changed a bit ever since starting school.

He starts talking a lot, and at 10 months, he make dada, baba, mama, diedie (means 街街?), mummum. (when he's hungry)..

BTW... he hows how to point as well, and last night he enjoys playing tug-of-war with us, using his little bib...

Oh.. and last week, accidentally, he fell off from the bed... it was my fault.

Boy, it's definitely fun playing with him these days, but very tiring as well.